Democrats in Albany worked all year to pass the most radical liberal agenda that the State of New York has ever seen. The Governor even bragged that NYS is the "most progressive state in the Nation."
Among the most controversial bills passed was the so-called “Bail Reform” bill that now turns those charged with some pretty heinous crimes right back out on the street to re-offend. Click HERE and HERE for just two examples. Radical downstate democrats cheered its passage, yet we’ve heard nothing from local democrats who sided with them to make it law. This ill-conceived law puts all New Yorker's at risk, including our police officers who will have to go out and track down suspects who flee prosecution and fail to appear for their court hearings. The "discovery" changes in the new law are equally confusing and endanger public safety even more, read HERE for an example. In Governor Cuomo’s State of the State address, he didn’t speak one single word about the Bail Reform law. Not one single word about what is likely the single most consequential bill to pass the legislature all year. Why are democrats like Andrew Cuomo and Assemblymember Didi Barrett mum on their support of this bill? Because they know how radical and dangerous the new law is, but they didn’t have the backbone to oppose it. They put politics over public safety and that’s plain wrong. Not only are they mum, they are supporting it STILL - even after the backlash! Click HERE to read an article about Speaker Heastie. If you would like to call the Speaker his number is 518-455-3791. To call Assemblymember Didi Barrett's office the number is 518-455-5177, the Hudson office number is 518-828-1961. CALL THEM AND LET THEM KNOW YOUR DISPLEASURE AT THIS AFFRONT TO PUBLIC SAFETY. We all – every one of us – need to step up and be heard. Get involved. We need to donate to the cause and help lead the charge against this dangerous trend in New York to impose an extreme ideology on the entire population. Please join us as we mount a counter offensive to this lunacy. There is common ground to be found. There’s common sense projects and legislation that should be worked on and passed that help all New Yorkers! Elections are expensive and we can't do it without you! Let’s get to work! P.S. View NYSGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy’s response to the State of the State address here, and consider making a donation to help us support Nick’s vision for a better New York.
![]() Kinderhook’s newest Supervisor, Patsy Leader, was sworn in on New Year ’s Day at approximately 11:15 am by Columbia County Clerk Holly Tanner, beginning her term to serve as Supervisor for the county’s largest town, larger even than the City of Hudson, at over 8,000 residents. What makes this historical is that Ms. Leader is the first female to assume the office of Supervisor for the town since its inception in 1788. “This is an historic event in this historic town,” stated Clerk Tanner as she welcomed the over 70 attendees to the ceremony,” and to be able to give the oath of office to a caring, compassionate and strong woman such as Patsy Leader is an honor for me.” Patsy Leader has strong roots in the town of Kinderhook, a resident of Niverville for over forty years. She ran a small business for years in the village of Valatie and began her foray into politics ten years ago, running for the Kinderhook Town Board and never looking back. “I first decided to run for office ten years ago because I care greatly about this town,” stated Leader, “my daughter lives here, and my grandchildren, and we have a great town to live in so I wanted to do my part to keep it safe and also to help keep taxes down. Community service has always been very important to me and I care a great deal about what happens in our town. I ran for the right reasons – to make sure that the local government remains responsive to all our residents,” stated Leader. “I greatly appreciate all the support I received over the course of the campaign, ultimately the voters spoke,” she said. Patsy served as the Deputy Supervisor for the town for the past 8 years, which gave her a lot of hands-on experience, and she has a great team around her in returning town board members Tim Ooms and Phil Bickerton, and town clerk Kim Pinkowski who were also sworn-in on the 1st. “I feel confident with this team behind me that we will continue to do the work of the people,” stated Leader. Patsy is an enrolled Independence party member who ran with the strong endorsements of the Republican and Conservative parties as well as on the Independence line, surviving handily a primary by her opponent. “Patsy Leader was the natural choice for us to back, with her experience, her loyalty to her town and her general ease at dealing with the business of government and most importantly her care and concern for the residents,” stated Republican Chairman Greg Fingar. Assemblyman Jake Ashby also attended the ceremony and endorsed Patsy to run early on. “Patsy is a shining example of a public servant and I am happy to support her,” stated Ashby. |